Cleveland Watches the Finals

Last night, when I heard the Dallas Mavericks had defeated the Miami Heat, four games to two, I cheered. I don’t know very much about basketball, and I didn’t follow the N.B.A. Finals. But I’m from Cleveland, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I will root for any team the Pittsburgh Steelers are playing, and I’ll celebrate any defeat of LeBron James.

I’ve heard it before: Cleveland took his departure too personally, the fans are sad sacks, the city wasn’t good enough to keep him. I’ll agree with the first accusation—and only with the caveat that it’s informed by the others, which I don’t buy. Read more at…

Published by Sally

I’m the deputy managing editor at strategy + business, a freelance editor at Belt, and the former web manager at The New Yorker. My writing and editing also has appeared in The New York Times, The Independent, the Observer, the Rumpus, the Cleveland Clinic Press, and Northern Ohio Live. Additionally, I was a founding team member of Maven, a healthcare app for women. I live in Brooklyn with my husband, the musician and writer Mike Errico, and our daughter. Follow me @sally_errico.